- There shall be examinations at the end of each semester, for odd semesters in October/November; for even semesters in April/May. A candidate who does not pass the examination in any course(s) shall be permitted to appear in such failed course(s) in the subsequent examinations to be held in October/November or April/May.
- A candidate should get registered for the first semester examination. If registration is not possible owing to shortage of attendance beyond condonation limit/ regulations prescribed OR belated joining OR on medical grounds, the candidate is permitted to move to the next semester. Such candidate shall re-do the missed semester after completion of the Programme.
- The results of all the examinations will be published through the college where the student underwent the Course as well as through the University Website.
Students must have 75% of attendance in each semester to appear for the examination. Students who have attendance between 65% and 74% shall apply for condonation in the prescribed form with the prescribed fee. Students who have attendance between 50% and 64% shall apply for condonation in prescribed form with the prescribed fee along with the Medical Certificate. Students who have attendance below 50% are not eligible to appear for the examination. They shall re-do the semester(s) after completion of the Programme.
Question Paper Pattern
Section A : 10 Questions x 2 Marks = 20 Marks (Two questions from each unit)
Section B : 5 Questions x 5 Marks = 25 Marks (Internal Choice and one set of questions from each unit)
Section C : 3 Questions x 10 Marks = 30 Marks (Answer any three out of 5 questions and one question from each unit)
The performance of a student in each Course is evaluated in terms of percentage of marks with a provision for conversion to grade points. Evaluation for each Course shall be done by a continuous internal assessment (CIA) by the Course teacher concerned as well as by an end semester examination and will be consolidated at the end of the semester. The components for continuous internal assessment are:
Best 2 tests out of 3 – 15 Marks
Group Activity/Quiz – 5 Marks
Assignments – 5 Marks
Total – 25 Marks
Continuous performance – 20 Marks
Model Practical – 10 Marks
Record – 5 Marks
Viva 5 Marks
Total 40 Marks
Attendance need not be taken as a component for continuous assessment, although the students should secure a minimum of 75% attendance in each semester. In addition to continuous evaluation component,the end semester examination, which will be a written-type examination of at least 3 hours duration, would also form an integral component of the evaluation. The ratio of marks allotted to continuous internal assessment and to end semester examination is 25:75. The evaluation of laboratory component, wherever applicable, will also be based on continuous internal assessment and on an end-semester practical examination with 40:60 ratio.