B.Com. Computer Application
- The course enables the students to enhance their skills in commerce and information technology areas.
- On completion of the course, a student gets multiple career opportunities in accounts departments, software organizations, marketing, IT, & Banking sectors.
- With the Indian Economy welcoming the entry of multinationals, the commercial enterprises today are looking for people with multiple skills especially IT skills, even at entry level.
- A pass in Higher Secondary Examinations
Career Prospectus / Higher Studies
- M.Com
- Institute of Cost & Works Accountant of India (ICWA)
- Associates of company Secretary(ACS)
- Charted Financial Analyst(CFA)
- M.B.A
- M.Com(International Business)
- CA
- M.Com(CA)
Job Opportunities
- Offers career opportunities in India and Abroad in Firms And Companies.
- Career opportunities in Banks and Financial Institutions.
- Independent practice or placement in firms after completing CA, ICWA, ACS, CFS, etc.