(For Women)
Affiliated to Bharathidasan University | College with Potential for Excellence
An ISO 21001:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institution

Grievance Club

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Grievance Club

The grievance club is formed to create a platform to express student’s problems regarding academic and non-academic matters. The committee will look into the complaints lodged by any student and judge its merit. The Grievance club is also empowered to look into matters of ragging, drug abuse and harassment. The students may approach the committee to voice their grievances regarding the educational environment and other related issues. In addition, the students can express their satisfaction and suggestions to improve their grievances directly or through any other mode of communication to the coordinator or the grievance committee members. The committee will address the grievance promptly and judiciously.

Grievance Club wishes to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced educational environment for students of the college. The Committee will enable any aggrieved person(s) to express her (/their) feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall conduct an enquiry and thoroughly examine the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Emphasis on procedural fairness will be given with a view to “the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias”.

Staff Co-Ordinator

Mrs. B. Vinitha

Mrs. B. Vinitha M.SC., M.Phil.,

Head & Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Science

Student Co-Ordinator

Mrs.S.A. Renu Prabha

Ms. S. A. Renu Prabha


Department of Computer Science